Standups @ Venminder
December 5th, 2022 - Present
- Hoping to finish NC-125 today
- Continued on NC-5 - researching a new endpoint
- Got urgency on NC-125 so switching gears again with Sean's help to get that done
- Continued on NC-5
- Thought I was close to finishing, but the send questionnaire workflow apparently works differently for onboarding and offboarding
- Continued on NC-5
- Feels like I'm finally starting to make progress
- Continued on NC-5
- Have the API endpoint able to return a new URL
- Continued working on NC-5
- Fixed the authentication piece - was sending in the URL parameters wrong
- Seeing circular reference issue
- Continued working on NC-5
- Mostly meetings but investigated more into NC-5 - deeply nested so trying to figure out what code I should touch and how other features are relying on that
- Have a PR out for NC-120 to help Angel with PlayWright
- Spent most of the time investigating NC-5
- Talked with Debra and Jess on NC-136
- Spent time investigating NC-5
- It's a lot of things going on and the code is pretty confusing to read
- Investigated NC-125 more - all of the information is left on the ticket
- Paused on NC-125 to look at NC-5 - essentially just playing around with the UI right now
- Mostly meetings in the morning
- Tried to set up the PC as well and added information to the IT ticket as I found them
- Started looking into the NC-125 bug
- Finally figured out the root problem with NC-123 - turns out to be super simple and was a copy and pasting issue
- Worked with Sean on getting QA-0 set up
- Good news is QA-0 is working
- Bad news is I'm still unable to reproduce NC-123
- Spent time looking into all of the current production bugs and adding information - 123, 124, and 125
- Updated a theme in NC-124 for Jess
- Looked into NC-123
- Investigated NC-118 - it appeared to have been fixed
- Worked on NC-115 - had to do some research but it was simple after that - PR ready for review
- Started looking into NC-123
- Finished NC-48 - is ready for testing on GETS
- Spent most of the day setting up the computer and failing
- Continued working on NC-48 - testing to make sure it doesn't break + adding unit tests
- Finally wrapped up NC-48 - need reviews, simple code change just was hard to test locally
- Mostly meetings outside of that
- Worked on NC-13 and the DCDev release
- Researched Control Assessments release for NC-101
- Investigated the local development issue with Debra and Sean
- Talked with Chris at the end of the day
- Worked with Angel on the integration issue for NC-13
- Worked on getting the CA release for today up to integration
- Looked into NC-48 some
- Spent a good bit of time in meetings
- Focused on NC-48 - hard to investigate when debug isn't working for me - can run with
dotnet run
- Finished up NC-12 - ready for testing on GETS
- Worked with Joelle some on NC-104
- Spent time setting up the 401k and also got GitHub Copilot access
- Started looking into the NC-48 bug at the end of the day
- Looked into NC-84 and I'm pretty certain Sean's change will fix that
- Spent time reviewing pull requests
- Started looking into NC-12 towards the end of day
- A lot of clean up and to do tasks
- Meetings most of the day
- Investigated NC-84 for a bit, will be adding my findings into the story
- Mostly release stuff and more bugs
- Worked on getting NC-59 out
- Got a lot of PRs out
- Finished NC-75 - need to go back to PR comments
- Also finished NC-46 - updating the Venminder logos for CUEC - PR is ready for review
- Started working on NC-79 towards the end of day
- Worked on the NC-59 bug fix - PR is ready for review
- Then started working on NC-75 towards the end of day
- Wrapped up NC-46 with removing the Venminder logo from CUEC PDF
- Had the discussion for duplicate controls - NC-59 - started brainstorming different approaches
- Fixed NC-51
- Worked with Jess on themes
- Started working on NC-46
- Finished up NC-15
- Fixed the NC-13 issue - looked like a branchinG issue
- Worked on PR comments for NC-64
- Also talked with Hunter about creating a new vm-library package in React - will be a fun side project
- Finished NC-64 - PR is ready for review
- Started working on a missed requirement in NC-51 - PR is also ready for review this morning
- Tried to reproduce the NC-59 bug - didn't have any success
- Took the afternoon off with sickness
- Worked on NC-51 and have the PR ready for review
- Have 3 PRs out - NC-50 and NC-51 should be first priority - will send hyperlinks in chat
- Created a PR fpr NC-13 - waiting for one more approval
- Worked on NC-55 but found another bug so put that PR back into draft
- Worked on NC-50 after meeting with Jess - PR is ready for review
- DCDev stopped working so spent time investigating that - with Sean's help it's back now
- While getting stuck, investigated NC-55 with grid filtering bug - have the fix but also found another bug
- Spent time looking at the NC-13 bug
- Switched gears to work on NC-49 for updating the exception subsection - PR is ready for review
- Started looking into NC-13 - found the bug causing the endpoint to break was a null reference
- Investigated NC-10 bug - tested on gets and integration, unable to reproduce
- Jess and Angel, if you guys also see the same behavior, will close the ticket
- Worked on 2 bug fixes - NC-44 and NC-45
- Both have gone into gets and ready for testing - if all succeeds, I recommend both of these to go in next release
- Continued working on NC-33 story and PR completed at the end of the day
- Completed NC-6 bug - everything from NC-6, 7, and 8 is now on gets and can be released whenever we want
- Went back to NC-33
- Went back to NC-6 to investigate a bug Jess found on gets
- Took me way to long but eventually found out that it was a component attachment issue
- Continued working on NC-33, discussed changes with Patrick and got some guidance
- Worked on completing NC-8 with PR comments - should be ready for testing on GETS
- Wrapped up NC-8 - that is ready for PR review
- Started working on NC-33
- Started working on NC-8
- Created a separate story for adding last modified date - NC-33
- Also created a new wiki page for topics to discuss within our team - feel free to add topics
- Yesterday got the PR for NC-7 - waiting on reviewers
- Worked on the evidence report bug - NC-28
- Worked on the bug fixes for rich text editor
- Updated the release candidate and release notes
- Also completed the TBD-6 story - ready for review
- Prepared the release for Sunday
- Then worked on the off cycle release and its bug fix
- Spent time investigating the rich text editor bugs
- Continued working on frontend codebase improvements
- Worked on bug fixes in the morning
- Then focused on the machine set up guide
- Have the frontend side complete, Sean let me know if you want help with the backend
- Spent time testing the GETS environment and investigating a bug caused by 2949
- Mostly worked on tech debt improvements to the frontend codebase that I've been putting off
- Spent time setting up NContracts accounts and email for Outlook and Teams
- Worked on a tech debt story for improving the rich text editor
- Met with my team for the first time
- Bug fixes and minor improvements
- Learned about the new team and project structure
- Finished up 3163
- Then completed the frontend for 3145 as well
- Fixed few of the gets bugs gound
- Continued working on 3163
- Finished 1167
- Started working on 3163 - came up with a good idea where order id creates a dummy assessment object
- Wrapped up 3161 - PR is ready for code review
- Made good progress on 3161
- Took a pause on everything
- Finished 1167
- Then started working on 3161
- Implemented page size to the grid parameter store as Patrick suggested - 2949
- Worked on organizing the models folder since we had multiple - PR ready for review
- Created a PR for 2949
- Worked on bug fixes for previous bug fixes - 3115 and 3158
- Continued working on 2949
- Continued on 2949
- Making steady progress - have queries and orders working
- Continued working on 2949
- Have most of the services implemented with the templates table
- Fixed 3158 bug
- Completed 3115 and 3116 bugs
- Started working on 2949
- Got the asynchronous grid added to vm-library's testbed
- Fixed a bug with 2017
- Also fixed the bug with preview not working for our markdown content - 3153
- Finished 2017
- Upgraded the vm-library version in DCDev to consume a change I made in vm-grid
- Started investigating the asynchronous grid for 2652 - currently working on adding an example to the vm-library testbed
- Continued working on 2017
- Continued working on 2017
- Continued on 2017
- Got a basic grid implemented with expandable support and a dialog for editing data
- Worked on adding collapsible grid to vm-library's testbed - useful for my knowledge and future example
- Continued working on 2017 - mostly brainstorming and researching
- Found an example of a collapsible grid with a help from Hunter and also learned that backend paging is possible with vm-grid when we get to PHX-2653
- Fixed a filtering bug with vm-filter - FE-209
- Discussed filter pane UI improvements with Tracey - coulnd't convince so leaving it for now
- More bug fixes for 3102
- Started working on 2017 with Patrick
- Finished the last bit of UI changes for 1383
- Worked on the vm-filter enhancements - need to talk to Tracey
- Spent some time at the end working on the 3102 bug fix
- Fixed PlayWright and added testing for archival
- Talked with Hunter on vm-library changes specifically with vm-filter - he liked the changes so now I need to convince Tracey
- Worked on the production bug 3102 with the NA/NP section calculations
- Fixed the vm-filter issues Carol found alongside a few more filterings that I thought of
- Towards the end of the day, started working with Patrick on adding bulk delete to 1383
- Finished the filtering to all vm-grids - 2983
- Started working on 2983 to add filtering to all of the grid
- Also worked on the PlayWright tests for 2021 - still need to test
- Added dynamic validation dialog to template builder - 2984
- Worked on the last bit of UI changes for 2021
- Release with Sean, Michael, and David
- Scary moment but we were able to resolve all of the issues and release eventually
- Worked on the UI for 2021 - archiving templates and themes
- Realized that PHX-2984 was needed so pull that in from tech debt
- Will start helping David with the UI for 3072
- Started working on the frontend for 2021
- Upgraded our vm-library package to pull in the vm-date-picker bug fix
- Made updates from the 2945 script to handle white spaces in vendor name
- Pushed changes to the script
- Created a PR so VSCode shows extension recommendations for the frontend project
- Fixed the vm-date-picker bug
- Mostly integration testing and bug fixes
- Tested gets most of the day
- Had to finish the NContracts paperwork and meet with HR
- Worked with Michael on the integration migration - integration is now ready to be tested
- Worked on a lot of small tasks
- 3061 to add new report type options
- 3050 for nvested line item calculations
- Fixed PlayWright tests for the template builder
- Spent rest of the day testing data library
- Worked on a lot of small stories
- 3069 for updating the Venminder logo
- 3029 for adding NA/NP checkboxes to dropdown and checkbox controls
- 3051 for fixing the radio button answer options
- Continued working on the 2945 story with Carol
- Got the PR up at the end of the day
- Mostly meetings but did find solutions to the few bugs Carol found
- Met with Michael and the team - will continue on with the current script for testing and change to file IO after it's complete
- Continued working on the new approach for 2945
- Actually have the entire process working from exporting the table into importing
- Started working on the new approach for 2945
- Discussed with Michael
- Continued on with 2945 - found a bug that was causing only about 30% of the records to be updated
- Talked with Michael about the script and will be presenting his idea in the 16th minute
- Tested the new script in the hotfix data and ran into a lot of issues
- It takes too long - 2 hours and 10 minutes
- Some of the entries were not retrieved - timing issue with paging and updating at the same time
- Fixed the 3010 bug that Jess found
- Tried to fix the PlayWright test but it appears to still be failing so need to take a look again another time
- Started testing 2945 on the hotfix data - ran into throughput issues
- Started writing a new approach with a mix of synchronous and asynchronous workflow
- Worked on the efficiency improvements for the data library migration script - 2945
- Worked with Micahel on getting the hotfix data to my local environment - he ended up doing it manually for me
- I have the back up created in the DEV accounts so we all have access now
- Had a small fix for 3010 in the morning - should be ready for testing now
- Continued working on the 2945 scripts - have it running with multiple processes and threads
- Continued working on the script - 2945
- All of the methods seem to be working
- Continued working on the 2945 script
- Have the evidence grouped by document id and control ids retrieved from the controls table
- Tested the stories I completed on Friday
- Started researching for the 2945 script
- Found useful information but for now, decided to write a basic synchronous script to get the logic down and improve the performance later
- Picked up 5 small stories - 3 demo feedback, 1 bug, 1 tech debt
- Continued working on 2744
- Went smoother than expected - PR is complete so will test today
- Continued working on 2744
- Had a fun day writing scripts - spent most of the time reading documentation but finally got the scripts done this morning
- Continued working on 2744
- Got through the build errors and the controls hash key suggestion from Patrick
- Found an issue with vm-library on GETS and worked with John
- Completed the KnowBe4 training
- Started working on 2744 - frontend and backend DTOs are done
- Completed 2988 with showing none status in the evidence summary filter
- Found a vm-library bug so worked with John on that - ended up fixing it myself
- Also spent some time going through my to do list and adding enhancement ideas to the board
- Continued working on 2777
- Added tests to handle slow initial load times
- Fixed the timeout issue on the server
- Also added a feature flag check to the frameworks test
- Everything is passing now, the test passed yesterday and today
- Continued working on 2777
- Fixed the global config but then found that it doesn't work remotely due to how the artifacts are structured
- Started working on 2777 - consistent playwright tests
- Continued working on 2839 - fixing radio buttons and wrapping up the last theme
- Everything should be good to go, will send that over to you Jess so you can work with them on upgrading
- Will highly recommend not editing the theme, but creating a new theme and slowly moving them over for testing
- Started working on the 2941 bug - PR ready this morning
- Continued working on 2839 - mostly on testing changes
- Finished BCAs
- Fixed a bug for 2882
- Worked on CSA and DPA yesterday
- Started working on the theme upgrades for SOCs
- Also got a few of the other low hanging fruits - DNBi and Contract Compliance
- Completed 2914
- Fixed a PlayWright test with template builder
- Worked on the theme migration - going through each theme to see which needs to be updated
- Fixed the 2905 bug
- Fixed another minor bug with 1940 - adding theme dialog's validation
- Started working on 2914 for cleaning up the routing system
- Continued working on 2655
- Discussed the theme changes with Jess
- Started working on the 2905 bug where approval fails, the UI still changes
- Fixed the 2689 bug in the morning
- Continued working on 2655 in between meetings and bug investigations
- Worked on the release
- Started working on 2655 - made a lot of progress
- Fixed up the PlayWright tests for themes
- Found a minor UI bug with 2814 so fixed that
- Then updated Greg's excel sheet for PlayWright coverage
- Spent a lot of time setting up assessments on GETS and group testing
- Worked on fixing some of the themes playwright tests
- Figured out that the reason all of the UI based PlayWright tests were failing was because of the GETS refresh removing roles from Brian Adams, so log in page looked different
- Also looked into the theme upload bug which Patrick eventually found the issue for
- Worked on 1940 with Patrick
- Completed the PlayWright tests for template builder - 2446
- Wrapped up 2689
- And created a PR for 2446
- Worked on the release
- Worked on 2689 for the dynamic validation messaging
- Also worked on creating a new document for our release process
- And went through our frontend dependencies to figure out which licensing we're using - MIT and Apache
- Worked on last bit of 2657 with Patrick
- Continued refacotirng for 2689 - wasn't able to finish so pausing on that
- Coming up with a list of questions to ask Michael
- Created a new admin page for 2657
- Fixed a bug in the morning - 2873
- Upgraded the packages found from PEN testing
- Started working on 2657
- Also met with Michael towards the end of the day
- Wanted to explore the one artifact set up
- Discussed the S3 set up and how we can simply our appsettings on the frontend
- Started working on 2656 - PR ready for review
- Picked up 2689 for adding approval validation for evidence status
- Fixed a bug I found with the store service - 2840
- Both are ready for code reviews
- Worked on wrapping up 2653 with Patrick
- Continued with 2814 with Carol - frontend piece should be complete but not tested
- Worked with Patrick on 2653 - frontend should be complete
- Start working on 2814 and pulling out the tags component from controls to be sharable
- Then worked with Carol some, made improvements to the pipeline
- Fixed the last frontend bug this morning
- Went back to 2446 for more PlayWright tests
- Worked on 2446 some in the morning
- Then with group testing, worked on bugs mostly caused by the big 2637 changes
- Continued working on controls for 2446
- Fixed the caching bug with help from Patrick
- Continued working on 2446
- Struggling to add controls to templates
- Continued working on 2446
- Now able to create a template, add subheaders and subsections, preview, publish, and duplicate
- Worked on testing 2637
- Started working on 2446
- Mostly spent testing 2637
- Started planning the 2446 story - playwright tests for template builder
- Continued working on 2637
- Completed 2 demo feedback stories - 2782 and 2778
- Continued working on 2637
- Added validation to the template builder's publish method
- Fixed the integration bug for 1729 in between meetings
- Finished up 2771 then
- Started working on 2637 with Patrick
- Spent a lot of time testing my recent stories on GETS
- Started working on 2771
- Removed the PlayWright tests that are causing issues
- Continued working on 1729 as I found bugs
- Completed the 2 bug fixes 2758 and 2754
- Also resolved the 1729 comments
- Worked on PR comments for 1729 in the morning
- Then worked on 2 bugs - 2763 and 2758
- Continued working on 1729 with the PR published
- Will have a demo for you guys in 16th minute
- Worked on 1729 all day
- Made really good progress - excited for its future
- Started looking into the frontend piece for 2736 with Carol
- Worked on the 2752 bug
- Investigated the invalid time error on integration
- Left notes in the meeting chat but I couldn't replicate this morning so moving on
- Fixed a bunch of bugs from the GETS testing
- Continued working on 1729 in between the meetings
- Continued working on 1729
- Have the HTML snippets and the new placeholder done
- Continued working on 2653 in between the meetings
- I also created new stories for demo feedback from a discussion with Jess
- Question property from controls
- Mentioned/Tested radio button display type
- Worked on 1729 in the morning some
- Then started working on 2653 with the new status and evidence columns
- Fixed the return URL for authenticating with DCDev in the morning
- Rest of the day with Mirato testing and team building
- Completed the 2513 fixing the 404 page issues
- Then worked on the playwright tests for feature flags - 2451
- I found the issue for why our preview tabs had the infinite loading indicator so fixed that - 2642
- Later in the day I started working on componetizing the controls within the theme - 1729
- Fixed 2119 bug in the under review page
- Then started working on 2513 with the 404 page issues
- Worked on the 2693 bug with the FHA data library still populating after clearing data
- Then started investigating the 2119 bug in under review page
- Completed a small change to the 2627 story for the date restrictions
- Then investigated 2699 bug - it's outside of what I can do now so left comments in the description for one of the backend devs to look at in the future
- Worked on 2591 and 2592 demo feedback stories for the modiy ELA page
- Then started working on 2627 to restrict the date ranges in SOC standard section
- Continued investigating 2699 - pretty sure I know the issue but waiting on hotfix refresh for CA on that one
- Worked on 2591 with reloading the Modify Order page - PR is ready for review
- Fixed the 2658 bug the easy way
- Then started investigating the 2699
- Thanks Sean for the help on getting my DCDev running again
- Continued working on investigating the OIDC issues - ended up breaking more things
- Spent most of the day taking a deeper dive into our loading issue - 2658
- Circular dependency was not the issue - it turns out to be OIDC issue
- Met with Jess to finish up the SOC 2 theme
- Resolved 2633 comments
- Then started investigating the 2688 bug - approve button disabled
- Found out that it was a timing issue rabit hole - have a work around for now
- Worked on PR comments for 2627
- Continued working on 2633 - getting help from Patrick on the unit tests
- Started looking into the 2658 bug where the approve button is disabled
- I found the issue to be a timing issue which I can get around but doing a deeper investigation to see if I can improve how the page loads entirely for better performance.
- Will have more of that today
- Found a bug with vm-date-picker will go investigate
- Migrated vm-tooltip to v2 - broken template builder from font changes
- Hardening for 2627
- Added a new
component to Control Assessments
- Then picked up 2633 for supporting the new standard section in the merge engine
- Started working on the new SOC theme - 2688
- Have bulk of that finished - rest will have to wait on 2633 to complete
- Spend time in between meetings testing 2627
- Continued working on 2627
- Continued working on 2627
- Talked SOC theme with Jess at the end of the day
- Last night, my PR to Aurelia CLI project was merged - their pipeline has errors so npm package has not been published yet
- Continued working on the frontend for 2627
- Came up with a new validation approach that's much easier to maintain - will demo in a few days
- Also created a PR to the Aurelia's GitHub project last night
- Working through 2 bugs related to the merge engine - 2320 and 2260
- Started working on the frontend for 2627
- Fixed the data library bug for tables - 2543
- Spent a lot of time digging to find why au run broke - Will have a 16th minute story if anyone is interested
- Wrapped up playwright tests for frameworks (2450) - PR is ready for review
- I will be adding a lint step for the playwright folder after the PR completes
- Worked on 2626 with Patrick
- Found a small PR to add test ids for 2 input fields
- Hoping to wrap up the tests today
- Fixed the bold font issue
- Started working on PlayWright tests for frameworks - 2450
- Worked on the 2641 bug in between the meetings
- Worked on a minor frontend bug 2641
- Then focused on a few integration bugs found from the group testing meeting
- Investigated the 2586 bug where the standard fields in FHA weren't populated by the data library
- Tested on gets and integration and it all seemed to work so I left a comment in there to retest
- Started working on 2396 after that - adding a new display type column to placeholder list
- Spent some time preparing for the demo
- Will spend more time trying to fix DCDev local
- Continued working on 2585 for allowing NA/NP sections to be editable
- Tried setting up DCDev to run locally - gave up since it was a bug that's existed for a long time
- Started working on 2585 - allowing disabled sections to still edit controls
- Completed 2624 for removing extra SOC rows when section is disabled (ended up having to add validation)
- Also fixed the bug that Carol found with rating explanation - 2625
- Finished up 1746 - font size changes
- Continued working through 1746
- Also worked on a few minor changes for 2354
- Continued working on 1746 - have the latest vm-library with hard coded font sizes removed
- Wrapped up 2530 - readonly view for completed assessments
- Then started working on 1746 - font size changes
- Wrapped up 2264
- Then started working on 2530 - adding readonly view for completed assessments
- Completed the last integration bug - 2583
- Continued working on 2264 - adding indicators for required fields
- Started working on 2264 for cleaning up the required fields in the UI
- Paused to work on integration bugs - 2582 and 2584 is in review
- Worked on demo feedback stories - 2393 and 2574
- Worked on a demo feedback story to add tooltips for icon buttons and truncated texts - 2402
- Spend time testing all of the completed demo feedback stories
- Worked on demo feedback stories
- 2541 - Using the shared collapse button for Template Builder
- 2542 - Allowing NA/NP sections to expand or collapse in Perform Review
- 2540 - Added a new button for reordering sections in Template Builder
- Fixed the integration bug with the exception subheader - 2565
- Updated date pickers to allow up to 300 years in the past - 2482
- Worked on the frontend for 2354 - download CUEC files
- Wrapped up the 2473 story for adding test ids to Perform Review pages
- Wrapped up the PlayWright story for themes tab - 2449
- Still has work to be done which will have to get iterated
- Went back to 2473 to add test ids to Perform Review page
- Got 2369 and 2370 up for review and now on gets
- Continued working on PlayWright tests - 2449
- Helped Zoey with a user session issue in Flex Billing
- Worked on PlayWright tests as I had time - 2449
- Fixed the template builder bug for SOC context menu - 2546
- Then fixed code change for 2460 with formatting percentages correctly
- Also worked on 2353 as things came up
- Worked on hardening the 2353 code as things came up
- Also fixed the data structure for 2369 and 2370 suggested by Carol
- Worked on 2460 - PR just completed
- Discussed 2365 with Carol - Found out that I needed to fix a few things for 2370 and 2369
- Wrapped up 2369 and 2370 UI changes - have draft PR to go up after 2353
- Wrapped up the HTML files for the merge engine to support SOCs
- Then started working on adding CSOCs to Perform Review - 2370
- Added network error message for the 2521 bug
- Tested 2353 story
- Then started working on the SOC HTML files for the merge engine 2365
- Spent the day testing and hardening 2353
- Also looked into the 2521 production bug - should be just a network error by the user
- Continued working on 2353 and fixed all of the bugs that I was aware of
- Continued working on 2353 in between meetings
- Slowly making progress on 2353 - I think the new structure of components should work
- Continued working on 2353 - kept finding edge cases not handled in the design
- Worked on 2353 with the model changes and the new components
- Started working on the frontend for 2473 - adding new data services
- Got the test ids added for the template builders
- Finished 2371 and 2372 for adding the rest of SOC components to template builder
- Went back to 2473 to add more test ids
- Worked on 2449 with the playwright tests for themes
- Continued working on 2348 and 2350
- Have the 2371 story for adding CUEC to template builder ready
- Worked on more testing and hardening for 2348 and 2350
- Worked on more testing and hardening for 2348 and 2350
- Worked on 2350 in the morning and found an issue so sent that over to Carol
- Then worked on the test ids story 2105 - PR is up for all pages except the builder and perform review
- Investigated some of the issues Patrick was seeing with 2348
- Fixed a bug with the template dropdown caused by the 2350 change
- Worked on adding the test ids while I had breaks
- Then spent rest of the day working with Carol on 2350
- Continued working on improvements for 2350
- Pulled in 2105 for adding test ids to support PlayWright
- Worked on a few bugs - 2374 and 2368
- Started working on 2350 with Carol
- Completed 2423 so going forward, you should be able to catch all type errors when running
au build
- Also the PR won't go through with any errors
- Worked on the 2359 bug where the preview template was making calls to order details when it shouldn't be
- Completed the frontend change for 2348 - just need to test after Patrick's backend changes
- Worked on the 2423 story with the build not catching TypeScript errors
- Worked on cleaning up the narrative dialog for 2348
- Then went back to 914 with the T4 script improvements to ignore prettier
- Started working on the frontend for 2348
- Added a reset styling to the merge engine
- Also added support for manually entering calculated inputs - a new calculate button
- Wrapped up the 2350 work for now
- Then started working on 2371 and 2372 for creating the other soc components
- Have that completed and pushed to a branch I'll get to after 2350 is complete
- Continued working on 2350
- Continued working on 2350
- Most of the features should be implemented on the frontend
- Continued working on 2350
- Worked with Jess on Lisa's feedbacks with the theme as well
- Worked on feedbacks from the theme
- Started working on the frontend for 2350
- Started on the new SOC theme - 2351
- Worked on 2256 with the rich text editor and finally finished that
- Worked on 2256 in between meetings
- Had a big break through to figure out what the root cause was
- Wrapped up 2023 with NA and NP checkboxes to Perform Review
- Then worked on the KnowBe4 trainings
- Fixed 2297 with the graph formatting issue
- Then started working on 2023
- Worked on 2020 and wrapped that up - PR is ready for review
- Started looking into the rich text editor improvements - 2256
- Ran into the same issue from when I first researched schemes
- Had one idea but didn't work so it's going to take a bit to figure it out
- Added a new pipeline step to run the lint script - 1974
- Then fixed the errors and the warnings
- Worked on cleaning up all of the stylesheets to use colors from the variables file
- Then started working on adding linting support to the frontend codebase
- Finished up updating the font awesome to the self-hosted version - 1972
- Worked with Jess on wrapping up the contract compliance theme
- Then started working on a new tech debt story to clean up the styling variables - 967
- Continued working on bugs
- Started working on importing Font Awesome from the self-hosted link
- Worked on cleaning up the bug board
- Continued working on the contract compliance theme
- Then met with Jess to review and have questions answered
- Continued working on the contract compliance theme - 2137
- Started working on the contract compliance theme - 2137
- Continued working on the last bit of hardening for 2129 and 2207
- Also made the enum changes to the frontend of 1946
- Tried 3 plugins to export themes designs into HTML - results were bad
- Got help from Carol on the 500 error for 2207
- Then started working on the rich text editor improvements
- Wrapped up the vendor vetting theme
- Started working on the 2207 story for allowing any years between 1 and 5 for FHAs
- Continued working on the theme - got most of the Vendor Vetting done
- Researched Figma plugins and worked with Jess on a few options
- Started working on the Vendor Vetting theme
- Wrapped up the 2129 PR so spent some time testing
- And mentioning few of the ideas mentioned from the initial demo on the story comments
- Continued working on the rich text editor and got the PR up finally
- Continued testing the rich text editor and fixed bugs as I found them
- Continued working on 2129
- Had a big break through to allow bi-directional content change
- Continued on 2129
- Merge engine now works with the new markdown parsing library added
- Spent an hour investigating the toolbar configuration but got stuck
- So moved on to styling the editor component with the toolbar
- And also started researching the best way to parse the markdown from the merge engine
- Started working on a markdown editor with ProseMirror
- Got the basics to work with saving and parsing the markdown correctly
- Then got stuck on editing the configurations for the toolbar
- Started back on 2129 and reading more documentation for ProseMirror and security concerns
- Came up with a list of solutions in desired order: document
- Worked on bugs in the morning
- Then working on the frontend for 2126
- Worked on bugs all day
- 2162 is also ready for PR with help from Carol
- Worked on 2162 to allow empty cells to pass as warnings
- Ended up finding an issue that was caused from the number to string change - getting help from Carol
- Worked on bug fixes most of the day - 2120 & 2053
- Then discussed with Jess on a few things he wanted released - one being 2136
- Fixed a bug for 2038
- Continued on the rich text editor while in meetings
- Started reading the documentation for ProseMirror (rich text editor)
- Created a PR for 2136 with David's changes ready
- Finished frontend for 2053 - PR is ready
- Looked into the bug Jess created (2130) and also a very minor demo feedback (2103)
- Worked on the feature management story with Patrick - 2053
- Worked on the login issue most of the day - found that it was a timing issue with the auth check and the router
- Made the router synchronous
- Mostly meetings
- Worked on the group testing feddbacks story - 2120
- Added a fix to 2051 in the morning
- Then worked on research JavaScript libraries and brainstorming for 2026
- After the meeting, Brian Adams recommended that I look into markdown editors
- Found a great solution called Editor.js with built in sanitization
- Should work in the same approach we discussed during the meeting
- Notes are in the story comments
- Updated vm-library change for the vm-grid fix with the queries bleeding over
- Started looking into 2038 for allowing constants within the formula builder
- Finished the frontend for 2050
- Then started working on 2051 for saving evidence inputs and the new table
- Mostly meetings
- Worked on 2008 for adding the frameworks filter in the add control dialog
- Worked on the frontend for 1947
- Also had the meeting to investigate the 2114 bug
- Looked into bugs found from the group testing on Thursday - 2096, 2100, 2101
- Also worked with David on the min max settings for Chart.js - 2097
- Finished the first pass to 2050 frontend change - will have to connect logic after Carol's changes
- Worked on my broken DCDev - with help from Carol and Sean, got it working finally
- Finished up the frontend changes for 2037
- Looked into some of the easy demo feedback stories
- Fixed feedbacks from 1643 PR from Carol
- Started working on 2037
- Fixed the vm-grid issues
- Started prototyping the feature flag management page - 2053
- Looked into the vm-grid bug (2035) - took me all day but finally found issues
- Lookged into the vm-grid bugs in the morning, discussed with Hunter - 2035
- Then switched gears to some of the merge engine bugs Jess found - 2049
- Was mostly in meetings
- Investigated a bit more for the theme builder - 2010
- Have a meeting set tomorrow to discuss my findings
- Started prototyping a few ideas for the theme builder - 2010
- None of them was a good enough solution so started writing down my findings so far
- Worked on group testing feedbacks - 2009
- Then started working on the spike story for the theme builder - 2010
- Spent most of the day staring at the Figma design for the deliverable and researching drag and drop libraries
- Worked on the UI for 1643
- Had a meeting to discuss the JavaScript library for theme builder idea
- Then worked on a tech debt item 1969 for improving the animation when you click N/P checkbox for FHA sections
- Worked on 1959 - PR ready
- Then worked on 1970 - adding drag and drop support to theme upload - PR up
- Started on a piece for 1643 with the readonly perform review page - PR up
- Worked on 1960 all day and finished that
- Wrapped up the initial frontend changes for 1959 and 1960
- Worked on a prototype for 1959 with the frameworks dropdown in the add control dialog
- Then worked with David on the overall rating bug - 1985
- Added error indicators to the template section headers - 1930 - PR ready for review
- Started working on 1960 and prototyping the frameworks tab - would like to demo in 15th minute
- Also looked into the P1 bug some
- Continued working on 1934 - display type on each row
- Finished 1949 with collapsible settings in template builder and order information for perform review - ready for testing
- Spent rest of the day working on 1934 - adding the new display type dropdowns
- Worked on 1949 - collapsible settings section for template builder and order information for perform review pages
- Mostly meetings
- Looked into the integration issue but found out that it was old data - need to create new formulas
- Also got help from Carol on my local DCDev issue - got further than I was before, not finished
- Added validation for duplicate section names - 1938
- Then worked on 1830 - supporting readonly view to published templates
- Wrapped up the internal notes demo feedback story - 1192
- Then started working on 1929 - adding view assessment link to the fulfillment vendor page
- Had isseus running DCDev locally and with Carol's help found that IIS wasn't running at all
- Filed a ticket with IT so putting 1929 on hold until they come back to me
- Had group testing in the morning
- Worked on 2 demo feedback stories - 1451 and 1192
- Then at the end of the day finished 1550 for improving the View buttons in DCDev
- Updated the FHA theme and uploaded that to the SharePoint folder
- Then started working on the sorting feature for sections - 1385 - finished
- Fixed a bug where the
Add Content
button in the FHA template wasn't displaying correctly
- Worked on 1901 with replacing the Rating Explanation field to Executive Summary for FHAs - finished with Patrick's help
- Started working on 1896 - adding support for using line items from other tables in formulas - PR ready
- Finished up 1626 with updating the data library to support standard fields within FHAs
- Added support for the collapsing of sections in the template builder - 1889 - PR is ready
- Fixed bug with table deletion in the template builder - 1908
- Fixed a few bugs in the morning, should be on GETS now
- Then talked with Jess on priorities for the demo feedback and grooming
- I then started working with David on 1626 and also a bug Patrick found on 1826
- Worked on prototyping the autoscroll on control reorder (1384) and the edit control directly from templates (1383)
- Met with Tracey and Lisa-Mae about them
- I wrapped up the autoscroll so that PR is ready for review
- Added a search bar to the control dialog - 1864
- Fixed the integration bug found from the group testing - 1882
- Also finished up clearing the control values if na/np/unknown is selected - 1796
- Started working on the edit control within the template - 1383
- Updated the FHA theme with feedbacks - 1868
- Then worked on 1626 with David and wrapped up that story
- Spent rest of the day on 1826 and sanitizing the user input
- Worked on adding the new sanitization method to the utility class on the frontend - 1826
- Then spend most of the afternoon on bug fixes and testing the fixes - 1877, 1878, 1879
- Updated the theme documentation with tables and graphs - 1458
- Then updated the store service to use the saved object for control create - 1826
- I also started looking into the frontend sanitization - 1826
- Finished up creating the theme - 1827
- Fixed a bug found during that process - 1866
- Then went back to 1626 to implement the data library support for FHAs
- Wrapped up the clean up story for the frontend - 1854
- Then started working on the FHA theme to pass on to Jess - 1827
- Finished the first pass for 1626 changes to add the validation required to support FHA data library
- Then fixed a couple bugs that others found
- Then at the end of the day I started working on some minor cleanup changes - 1854
- Worked on bug fixes from group testing in the morning
- Then worked on the feedbacks from the Tuesday's integration group testing and wrapped it into one story - 1853
- Continued working on 1784 and got the changes ready for PR
- Worked on a couple of bugs that came up throughout the day
- Also had the guild meeting - the notes are in the chat
- Worked on a couple of bugs in the morning
- Then started working on 1784
- Didn't get to far with good bit of the day being meetings
- Finished up 1779
- And got one bug fix in for 1777 we found during standup with the assessment type warning dialog
- Added a caching to the assessment type on the frontend for 1777
- Started working on allowing custom column headers - 1779
- Also discussed iframe security with Carol on 1533
- Worked on updating the vm-library package in CA and also added a new confirmation modal
- Added a minor change to fit the assessment type name change for 1777
- Then worked with David on 1776 for the custom standard section
- Finished 1533
- Then working on the 2 bugs on the board - 1795 and 1788
- I was unable to replicate 1788 - even on GETS that was link (please test again)
- Wrapped up 1778 for hiding the year section
- Then started working with Carol on the aggregate error message modal - part of 1533
- Worked on adding the confirm dialog when swapping FHA template types - 1777
- Then started working on hiding the amount of years section - 1778
- Came up with an idea on how to handle callbacks with Chart.js for formatting values - 1458
- Worked on clean ups that I found from testing
- Had the debugging meeting
- Then spent rest of the day reading through Chart.js doc to see if there's any other way to format values
- Turns out, callback is the only way
- Continued working on 1458
- Also discussed a few of my findings and good things came out of that
- Tested latest stories on GETS and fixed bugs as I found them
- Went back to 1458 to implement the merge engine HTML components
- Implemented the graph preview dialog to Perform FHAs - 1594
- Started working on 1458 and creating frontend components - minimal theme
- Had group testing in the morning then
- Added the overall rating and section rating summaries component to FHA assessments - 1686
- Also fixed a few bugs: 1754 and 1753
- Finished up the last bit of validations missing for 1688 (ready for reviews)
- Had another bowling game review today at 930 central - really bad
- Got pulled into helping with the theme towards the end of the day (maybe more)
- Continued on 1688 with adding clear data, preview, and publish support for FHAs
- Continued working on 1591 as we found more issues
- Also worked on 1688 for the new endpoint for getting role to complete FHA assessment
- Got 1593 wrapped up
- Worked on the P1 bug (1732) and preventing double click from user
- Had another bowling review
- Then continued working on 1591 - ready for PR reviews
- Continued working on 1591 and 1593
- Continued working on testing and hardening for 1591 and 1593
- Continued working on 1594 and got the prototype for all of the charts to match the UX design
- Also tested and hardened the 1593 story - still have a few more things
- Fixed the manual rating UI change
- Also reviewed the bowling project with frontend devs
- I then started on 1594 and reading the Chart.js documentation - learned a lot
- Wrapped up frontend for both 1593 and 1527
- Started working on the auto calculation of table rows with provided formula - 1593
- Continued working on 1593 and creating the table component
- Fixed a bug with the View Assessment open link in new tab - 1547 (should be ready for testing)
- Continued working on 1593 - got the section working with subheaders and textareas
- Started working on 1593 and creating a new assessment section component - have questions for Jess
- Worked on turning the View Assessment page into an iFrame - 1547
- Also fixed the date picker bug - 1679
- Had group testing in the morning then
- Started working on the new About the Assessment section for FHA assessments - 1591
- Wrapped up the the last bit of work for 1585 - PR should be ready for review
- Had a good bit of meetings rest of the afternoon
- Continued working on 1527 changes - should be done other than changes after Carol makes more changes
- Continued working on the FHA version of the Perform Review page - 1585
- Base architecture should be good to go so switched gears to 1527 - FHA template builder
- Met with Jim and Jess on the new CSA theme, then updated the Theme documentation with more in-depth topics
- Also found a bug with
so worked with Ben some on that
- In the afternoon, I started looking into the frontend work for 1585 story - FHA Assessment
- Fixed a few bugs in the morning - 1569 and 1584 - both ready for testing on GETS
- Then had the monthly dev meeting
- At the end of the day I finished updating the README file for frontend and also updated vm-library package to use the latest grid changes
- I finished adding spinners to all of the pages - 1584
- Also wrapped up the
class - fe32
- Finished 1070 for adding the graph component to the template builder
- Then started working on adding the loading spinners to the grids - 1584
- I came up with 2 different ways to display spinners: one is when data is populating, and other is waiting for an action
- Fixed the context menu overlapping with the control list - 1573
- Then started working on 1070 for adding the graph to table rows - 1070
- Worked on wiring up the account icon in the header - 1569
- Cleaned up all of the file names to make them shorter - 1565
- Also fixed a bug that Jess found with the Clear Data not working - 1597
- At the end of the day, I wrote documentation for the new vm-radio component - fe32
- Wrapped up migrating the theme table to v3 - 1269
- Also deleted all of the v2 grid files so that no longer exists in our codebase - 1269
- At the end of the day, I started investigating the issue with the account icon in the header - 1569
- Worked on the templates table migration to v3 grid - 1269
- Started working on the theme table at the end of the day
- Worked on using the vm-radio component in Control Assessments - 1582
- Also started working on the vm-grid migration (finished theme file list table and order details) - 1269
- Go back to the vm-radio component in vm-library package hoping to finish that today
- Worked on the formula preview and calculating with user inptu data, PR is up and ready for review - 1068
- Also found that I missed the disabled flag in the vm-button updates so went back to do that, also ready for review - 1571
- Updated the vm-library package to latest - 1571
- Wrapped up the 1067 story and PR is ready for review
- Continued working on 1067 story for the calculation dialog
- Also fixed a bug with the 1063
- Started working on the workflow for creating an equation for the table row - 1067
- I found a couple of edge case concerns so want to discuss that after everyone has gone
- Added Trend and Rating columns to the table - 1064
- Also added the calculation modal - 1066
- Tested all of recent changes I made on GETS - everything should be ready for testing
- I wrapped up the PR for 1454 with some of the unit tests updated
- Had a sync up with Tracey and Jess on design change to support deleting and reordering tables
- Continued working on finalizing 1063 story for adding the table
- I also added support for downloading the preview PDF for 1461
- Got help from Carol on adding the new property to the AssessmentData DTO
- Updated the theme with some feedback from Lisa-Mae
- Started working on 1063 again with Patrick's changes there
- I worked on the spike story for Chart.js (1069) and found that it will work for all of our needs. I did find some blurriness in the PDFs but Patrick and I think it's just a viewport issue and should not be a blocker.
- I also noticed that I broke the error dialog when I cleaned up the event names with the control refactor story so fixed that
- I then started working on 1524 story for the clearing assessment data. Got the frontend for that working so will be getting help from Carol today on the backend work.
- This morning, I worked on 1063 to use the new template sections that Patrick made
- Also was prototyping sticky headers and since it worked pretty well, will be pushing that change up soon
- Start looking into 1065 for adding textarea to FHA
- Worked on cleaning up the unused code with the 1443 change
- Was able to find a few bugs while testing that so those should also be fixed
- Continude working on the Assessment control wrapper component - 1443
- Got the PR up, waiting on one more reviewer
- Merged the first pass for the control refactor (template builder) - 1443
- Also added the store service for controls - 1523
- Continued working on 1443 for the assessment side (got the wrapper implemented with dates and textfields)
- Continued working on 1443 have the PR up now and will demo the change in a meeting after standup
- Also worked on the store service for controls - should be pretty much done - 1523
- Continued working on 1443 for the control refactor
- Met with Jess and Patrick with more feedback and implemented that to the theme
- Started working on the template version for the controls - 1443
- Got the textfield and checkbox working
- Continued working on the Theme improvements as more suggestions came up - 1472
- Wrote documentation on how to create a Theme for Jess and Marketing - 1472
- Started brainstorming the 1443 story and added subtasks for refactoring our existing control components
- Contiuned working on the 1472 story with Jess and Patrick
- Also worked on the frontend piece for 1461 but looks like there may be one more piece to the frontend piece to work on later after Nathan gets a chance to support PDF
- Met with Jess and Patrick to test my current theme
- Good things came out of that so worked on that for most of the day
- Towards the end of the day we were able to start testing again with the suggestions in place
- Met with Jess about the theme then started adding placeholders
- Continued working on the ISPA Theme for 1472
- Also worked with Patrick on and off about the 1303 change
- Continued working on ISPA Theme for 1472
- Fixed an issue I found with the in app view - 1303
- Ditched vm-radio work for now
- Then started working with Jess on the 1472 story
- Looked into the design and Jim's theme but it would've taken more time editing so decided to start from scratch
- Was all over the place
- Trying to finish up vm-radio
- Found an issue with View Assessment causing the HTML to not load
- Something else too
- Got off an hour early
- I got my vm-radio PR up now ready for review - fe-32
- I'm assuming today will be a lot of finalizing that and also testing my recent changes
- If there are no more work afterwards, I'll get started on 1443 for the control refactor
- Removed admin role requirement from the View Assessment page - 1303
- Also added the View Assessment link to Vendilligence page - 1303
- Continued working on the vm-radio component - fe32
- Had the frontend guild meeting
- Fixed the narrative dialog issue in the morning - 1451
- Started working on the new vm-radio component, made good progress - fe32
- Added changes to hide NA NP checkboxes when creating a control - 1224
- Worked on a bug where with the narrative dialog and I found some minors issues related to it so I hardened that code - 1451
- I also tested a change to the Get Assessment Types endpoint from Patrick and created a PR - 1602
- I continued working on wrapping up the 1061 with Patrick
- Also spent some time working on 1382 for adding the Cancel button to Deliver Assesssment dialog
- Spent an hour or so reading through the vm-library documentation on contributing
- Worked on 1061 changes most of the day for implementing the year section and also supoprting the new inheritance structure
- Also met with Jim for a second but he had a electricial come during the meeting so he had to go. I send him the PDF generated by CLAK and also all of the changes that he needed to make.
- All over the place
- I first brainstormed a way to improve our component structure for controls and wrote a tech debt story
- I then worked on a small change for 1062 that Carol and I talked about with the FHA being included in the assessment type API
- I also started looking into the vm-radio implementation and the design for that (hoping to work on it next week)
- I started working on 1062 and got the basic section done (subheaders, context menu, reorder) - PR is ready for review
- Fixed a bug with the N/A N/P checkbox (good to test on GETS) - 1224
- Spent rest of the day with Carol and David fixing the issue with selected files and feature flags (I appreciate the help) - 1433
- Finished up 1224 for adding N/A N/P checkboxes
- THen worked on 1060 for the standard section with Patrick - 1416
- Finished up adding subheader to risk profile section - 1393
- Also finished up the PR for View Assessment page to display saved HTML and download PDF button - 1303
- I started working with Carol on adding N/A N/P checkboxes to textfields and date controls - 1224
- Worked on the template builder section refactor to allow subheaders for risk profile - 1393
- Worked on the View button in Doc Storage for 1303
- Fixed a few bugs in the afternoon: 1383 (allowing N/A) and 1362 (populating section rating) - PRs are up
- I started working on DCDev work for Viewing Assessment - 1303
- Continued working on 1303 and got the HTML to display on the page and also got the download feature working
- Fixed the section rating error bug that Jess found - 1111
- Got some help from Carol on setting up the Legacy Nuget Packages and started testing the Saved HTML endpoint - 1303
- Created an empty page for the View Assessment - 1303
- Started working on adding the new endpoint for getting the saved HTML - 1303
- Also investigated the issue with the Perform Review page load (should be good now) - 1270
- Team building
- Added a warning dialog when you try to refresh while a PDF is being generated - 1283
- Fixed an issue I found with the theme table caused from the store service change - 1356
- Started looking into the 1303 story and asking questions to Jess and Carol as I planned work
- Continued working on 1283 for the PDF generation, finally got my local environment working
- Tested all of the different arguments that I could use and then tested the trigger through HTML
- Result: average speed through 5 trials 21.45 seconds to 11.69 seconds (54% improvement)
- Also got the final module of the security compass finished (all of them are completed)
- Continued worked on the Perform Review page refactor (PR is up) - 1111
- Moved the 1290 PR into the latest feature branch but ended up not needing to complete
- Started debugging the PDF generation tool - 1283
- Started working on Perform Review page refactor for cleaning up the data (less work than I though) - 1111
- Also had the frontend guild meeting - not a lot of updates (the notes are in the chat)
- Fixed the error issue on all controls in a section that's not risk profile - 1315
- Worked on auto populating the checked documents (adding method in controller to call v2) - 1290
- I also wrote subtasks for removing listOfSections property in Perform Review (now is perfect time, i'll spend free time here) - 1111
- Team building in the morning
- Created a PR for displaying the deliver assessment dialog only for Completed Assessments - 1290
- Investigated why the all controls in a section is throwing an error in Perform Review - 1315
- Continued working on PDF generation improvement story (got stuck with infinite load, local issue) - 1283
- Security Compass Training
- Finished up 1290 for the new Deliver Assessment dialog (is on GETS and tested)
- I then started researching different arguments for the PDF generation tool
- I found the flag to trigger from the HTML and also a few others to potentially improve styling
- Right now, with the new flags, the PDF is either getting stuck or taking too long
- I started looking into 1290 for adding a new deliver assessment dialog (got a good bit done)
- Added more console logs for debugging the control answers not triggering an event - 1306
- After that, GETS randomly started working so I was unable to find the issue
- I then talked with Sean to see how I can speed up CLAK's PDF generation process (didn't really change) - 1283
- Started looking into 1290 for adding a new dialog when you submit an assessment - 1290
- Investigated the issue with section rating not calculating on control answer - 1306
- Fixed the issue with feature flag not working for document checkboxes - 1168
- Went through all of the bugs and feedbacks from the demo (unable to reproduce some) - 1315
- Test out the ISPA Theme using Grid instead of Flexbox and it worked well - 1283
- Got a PR up for the template type select dialog - 1058
- Fixed the FHA template type being hardcoded to use the API - 1058
- Investigated the issue with the feature flag detection not working correctly - 1168
- Got most of the FHA template builder work done - 1058
- Investigated an issue with the section rating not updating 1306
- Had the Frontend Guild meeting
- Started working the new dialog for selecting CA or FHA template - 1058
- Continued working on setting up the foundation for FHA template builder - 1058
- Logged off at 1pm Eastern
- Wrapped up 1168 story by hide the checkboxes behind a feature flag
- Tested different ways to layout the ISPA theme (found a way that might work, waiting to test)
- Started working on 1058 for adding the new FHA template builder (2 PRs up)
- Continued working on 1168
- With help from Sean, got the v2 endpoint added to v1
- Updated the frontend to call that endpoint
- Added support for editing tags and also fixed the dropdown (ready for testing) - 902
- Dove into the 1168 work - added checkboxes to the table
- Spent most of the day trying to set up the Postgres Local Environment
- Investigated the issue with the tag dropdown not updating - 902
- During testing, I also found that I didn't account for displaying tags when editing a control
- Tested all of my changes from yesterday - ready for Jess now
- Dove into Nathan's story to test all of the frontend code - 1226
- Investigated an issue with the merge engine code (would like to discuss) - 1282
- Fixed the issue with Section Rating disabled for Risk Profile - 1101
- Fixed group controls not working for non-risk profile sections - 1274
- Investigated the theme attachment bug that Carol found (left a comment on the story) - 1253
- Learned more knockout.js and started looking at the codebase - 1259
- Updated the Approved text in Perform Review page - 1259
- Moved sharable components to a new folder - 1059
- Fixed the bug for overall rating calculation on N/A section rating - 1271
- Started learning Knockout.js to prep for future stories
- Had the Frontend Guild meeting at the end of the day
- Fixed the iframe error I broke yesterday - 1258
- Finished up last bit of work for the store service (timer and CRUD) - 902
- Wrapped template builder refactor PR - 1203
- Implemented the store service for templates - 902
- Fixed create template button in perform assessment page - 1256
- Fixed overall rating calculation including risk profile - 1101
- Worked on the last bit of work for the template builder refactor (PR up) - 1203
- Reviewed Nathan's PR for 1226
- Will continue working on the template builder refactor - 1203
- Have Frontend Guild meeting at the end of the day
- I'll create a PR for 902 if no one objects
- Then start working on a big clean up tasks for the template builder - 1203
- Japan won the WBC - World Baseball Classic so feeling good
- Test and finish new property change for Section class - 1101
- Going back to 940 to send N/A to overall rating calculation if risk profile toggle off - 940
- Picked up 2 new stories - 902 and 1224
- Would like to demo one and ask a question on one after everyone goes
- Go test integration
- Add frontend changes for new property in Section class to indicate risk profile - 1101
- Security Compass Training
- Fix merge issues with 1101 PR
- Fixed a group control bug Jess found - 1222
- Pick up a new story
- Frontend Guild Meeting
- Creating a new component for dropdown pane in template builder - 1174
- Worked on 941 with Patrick to differentiate risk profile calculation
- Finish up supporting editing of controls (PR is up) - 1107
- Final bit of changes for Overall Rating calculating (PR is up) - 940
- Making necessary changes to prep for Template Builder dropdowns - 1174
- Work with Patrick on 940
- Start working on editing controls - 1107
- Adding a new event to the
on clear - 1101
- Will start working on calculating overall rating - 940
- Make a minor PR to move the order details section - 1174
- Have a demo for you guys to handle autosave - 1190
- Implement the same workflow for Perform Review page
- Frontend Guild Meeting
- Maybe start working on calculating overall rating - 940
- Implement a new service for handling autosave - 1190
- KnowBe4 Training Courses
- Commented on a few demo feedbacks
- Will work on using the latest vm-date-picker component from vm-library
- After I finish, will start brainstorming how to prevent auto save from triggering too often
- 1019 for cleaning up the add control dialog UI was kind of a rabit hole so still trying to finish that up this morning.
- After that, I'm go investigate the issue Carol found with the models generated by the T4 script are not using the latest class names
- I will continue working on 1019.
- I was looking through all of the UX designs yesterday afternoon and found some differences in the design and the current UI, so I'll also make those minor changes in the same PR as well.
- 1189 which was moving the API service files to a new directory
- 1170 for refactoring our current moment.js code to start using date-fns
- 1175 to create a new enum to store display types for controls
- 1019 which is cleaning up the UI for the add control dialog
© Namito Yokota